Sally & Bill Venman, VLO's beloved founders


The Valley Light Opera Inc., is a volunteer-run nonprofit organization based in Amherst, Massachusetts. Founded in 1975 by a group of Gilbert and Sullivan devotees, the VLO presents a fully-staged opera every fall at the Academy of Music in Northampton, with less formal productions each spring.

We are a warm and welcoming community! Come join us on stage, backstage, or in the audience! Our community gatherings have included G&S pub sings, our annual company party, holiday caroling, Messiah sing-alongs, and First Night Northampton performances.

VLO has produced all 14 G&S operas, as well as Cox and Box, The Zoo, The Rose of Persia, The Chieftain, The Emerald Isle, and the Sullivan oratorio The Prodigal Son. We’ve also performed many non-G&S comedic operas and musicals. 

(See our full Production History)

Learn about the many wonders of VLO’s nearly 50-year history! 

Narrated by longtime VLO member Michael Greenebaum and produced by Killian Venman, this video covers the past, present and future of VLO, with interviews, photos, and performances.